Bush Park The Animals

With about 13 acres of grass to keep under control using no chemicals and minimum physical work as possible, we chose to use a mix of species to keep the grass down. By mixing species on the same ground we hope to avoid or at least reduce the worm infestation common amongst intensively farmed animals.

Bush Park Portlands - Copyright A.S. HepworthThe theory is that by avoiding related species, if they eat the eggs on grass infected by another species, they won't be affected. We should have 3 unrelated species but at the moment we only have sheep, goats and horses. Because the sheep and goats are related they count as one species so a third would have to be something like cattle or pigs. Chickens do fit the bill but, although free to go anywhere, their territory does not match that of all the others. Feeding crows and starlings will take some eggs and larva but they're not very thorough.

We have had a neighbour's cattle but because of the damage they do to our wet sloping fields, they only stay for a short time and cannot be rotated around the holding to graze all the fields.

Mary & Blanche - Copyright A S HepworthThe goats are as much pets as the dog and the cat. If you are interested in caring for goats, click here to visit the GOAT WELFARE page


Ben & Bright - Copyright A.S.HepworthClick on the photos to go the relevent page. When we get new pictures we will add them to the site.

For info on the local wildlife, have a read of our Wildlife pages.

Remember to click on the photos for the animal pages.